Curso gratis Inglés National Geographic Interactivo nivel Medio - A2-B1

Curso gratis Inglés National Geographic Interactivo nivel Medio - A2-B1 online para trabajadores y empresas

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Modalidad del curso: -

Duración del curso: 180 Horas

Titulación: Diploma acreditativo con las horas del curso

Curso Gratis Online para Trabajadores y Empresas

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Mejorar las destrezas generales del Inglés a nivel oral y escrito.


Nota: El contenido de este curso aparece exclusivamente en INGLÉS

UNIT 1: Food from the Earth

  1. Unit Goals:
  2. Contrast general and current actions
  3. Describe geography, climate and food
  4. Describe favorite dishes
  5. Describe a favorite food
  6. Grammar: Verb tense review: Simple present tense vs. Present continuos tense: I eat rice every day/ She's cooking fish now. Simple past tense (regular and irregular): We learned how to make pizza yesterday
  7. Vocabulary: Geographical regions. Climate. Food staples
  8. Listening: Focused listening. An interview: Rice farming
  9. Speaking and Pronunciation: Comparing different regions: discussing their climate and their food. Linking sounds: final consonant followed by a vowel
  10. Reading: "A slice of History".
  11. Writing: Responding to an email
  12. Vídeo Journal: "Forbidden Fruit".

UNIT 2: Express Yourself

  1. Unit Goals:
  2. Talk about personal experiences
  3. Make small talk with new people
  4. Use small talk to break the ice
  5. Learn to overcome the language barrier
  6. Grammar: Present perfect tense: He has traveled to many countries. Already, ever, never and yet: Have you ever seen a giraffe?
  7. Vocabulary: Culture, communication and gestures. Small talk
  8. Listening: General listening. Conversations: Small talk
  9. Speaking and Pronunciation: Talking about what you have or haven't done. Making small talk. Have or has vs. Contractions
  10. Reading: "Taking Pictures of the World".
  11. Writing: Writing opinions
  12. Vídeo Journal: "Orangutan Language".

UNIT 3: Cities

  1. Unit Goals:
  2. Describe your city or town
  3. Explain what makes a good neighborhood
  4. Discuss an action plan
  5. Make predictions about cities in the future
  6. Grammar: Future with will: The city will be cleaner. Will + time clauses: I'll check out the neighborhood before I rent an apartment
  7. Vocabulary: City life. Maps
  8. Listening: General and focused listening. A radio interview: Jardin Nomade in Paris
  9. Speaking and Pronunciation: Discussing good and bad elements in a neighborhood. Predicting the future of cities. Emphatic stress
  10. Reading: TED TALKS "How food shapes our cities".
  11. Writing: Writing a paragraph with predictions about cities in the future
  12. Vídeo Journal: "Fes".

UNIT 4: The Body

  1. Unit Goals:
  2. Discuss ways to stay healthy
  3. Talk about lifestyles
  4. Suggest helpful natural remedies
  5. Express cause and effect
  6. Grammar: Review of comparatives, superlatives, and equatives: Henry is healthier than his father. Infinitive of purpose: You can drink tea with honey to help a sore throat
  7. Vocabulary: Human organs. Parts of the body. Everyday aliments
  8. Listening: Focused listening. Discussions: Different lifestyles
  9. Speaking and Pronunciation: Talking about food and exercise that are good for you. Suggesting easy remedies. Linking with comparatives and superlatives
  10. Reading: "Tiny Invaders".
  11. Writing: Writing an excuse for a sick child
  12. Vídeo Journal: "The Human Body".

UNIT 5: Challenges

  1. Unit Goals:
  2. Talk about facing challenges
  3. Discuss past accomplishments
  4. Use too and enough to talk about abilities
  5. Describe a personal challenge
  6. Grammar: Past continuous vs. the Simple past: I saw him yesterday He was riding a bike. Past continuous with the simple past. We were eating dinner when you called. Enough, not enough, too + adjective: He was old enough to sail alone
  7. Vocabulary: Physical and mental challenges. Phrasal verbs
  8. Listening: General listening. An interview: Jenny Daltry, herpetologist
  9. Speaking and Pronunciation: Discussing challenges. Talking about abilities. Words that end in -ed
  10. Reading: "Arctic Dreams and Nightmares".
  11. Writing: Writing a paragraph about a challenging experience
  12. Vídeo Journal: "Searching for the Snow Leopard".

UNIT 6: Transitions

  1. Unit Goals:
  2. Talk about milestones in your life
  3. Talk about the best age to do something
  4. Use how questions to get more information
  5. Describe an important transition in your life
  6. Grammar: Using the Present perfect tense: I've lived alone for five years now. How + adjective or adverb: How tall is he?
  7. Vocabulary: Stages of life. Adjectives for age
  8. Listening: General and focused listening. A radio program: healthy tips from an Okinawan centenarian
  9. Speaking and Pronunciation: Talking about something you did. Discussing the best age for life transitions. The shwa sound / / in unstressed syllables
  10. Reading: TED TALKS "Living Beyond Limits".
  11. Writing: Writing a paragraph to describe a life transition.
  12. Vídeo Journal: "Nubian Wedding".

UNIT 7: Luxuries

  1. Unit Goals:
  2. Explain how we get luxury items
  3. Talk about needs and wants
  4. Discuss what makes people's lives better
  5. Evaluate the effect of advertising
  6. Grammar: Passive voice (present tense): Jewelry is given as a gift. Passive voice with by: This blouse was made by well-paid workers
  7. Vocabulary: Luxury items. Import/export items. Past participles of irregular verbs
  8. Listening: Focused listening. Discussions: The world flower market
  9. Speaking and Pronunciation: Discussing luxuries and necessities. Talking about improving your life. Sentence stress: content words vs. function words
  10. Reading: "Perfume: The Essence of illusion".
  11. Writing: Writing a print ad

UNIT 8: Nature

  1. Unit Goals:
  2. Use conditionals to talk about real situations
  3. Talk about possible future situations
  4. Describe what animals do
  5. Describe a problem in nature
  6. Grammar: Real conditionals in the future: If I have time tomorrow, I'll call you. Review of quantifiers: Raccoons eat many different kinds of food
  7. Vocabulary: Nouns and adjectives to describe animals. Adverbs of manner
  8. Listening: General and focused listening. A radio program: the bluefin tuna
  9. Speaking and Pronunciation: Talking about issues that affect nature. Role-playing to promote environmental action to make oceans sustainable. Phrases in sentences
  10. Reading: TED TALKS "How Poachers Became Caretakers".
  11. Writing: Writing a paragraph to give an opinion
  12. Vídeo Journal: "Happy Elephants".

UNIT 9: Life in the Past

  1. Unit Goals:
  2. Discuss life in the past
  3. Contrast different ways of life
  4. Compare today with the past
  5. Talk about historical wonder
  6. Grammar: Used to: Native Americans used to make their shoes out of deerskin. Passive voice in the past: Igloss were built with blocks of ice
  7. Vocabulary: Life in the past. Separable phrasal verbs
  8. Listening: General and focused listening. A lecture: The Sami People
  9. Speaking and Pronunciation: Talking about how technology has changed our lives. Discussing daily life in the past. Reduction of used to
  10. Reading: "Lord of the Mongols".
  11. Writing: Writing a paragraph on one of the New 7 Wonders of the World
  12. Vídeo journal: "Searching for Genghis Khan".

UNIT 10: Travel

  1. Unit Goals:
  2. Talk about preparations for a trip
  3. Talk about different kinds of vacations
  4. Use English at the airport
  5. Discuss the pros and cons of tourism
  6. Grammar: Expressing necessity: I must make a reservation. Expressing prohibition: You must not take pictures here
  7. Vocabulary: Travel preparations. At the airport
  8. Listening: General and focused listening. Conversations: vacations
  9. Speaking and Pronunciation: Planning a dream vacation. Making your way through the airport. Reduction of have to, has to, got to
  10. Reading: "Tourists or Trees?"
  11. Writing: Writing a paragraph about how tourists can help a place they visit
  12. Vídeo Journal: "Adventure Capital of the World".

UNIT 11: Careers

  1. Unit Goals:
  2. Discuss career choices
  3. Ask and answer job-related questions
  4. Talk about career planning
  5. Talk about innovative jobs
  6. Grammar: Modals for giving advice: You should choose a career that fits your personality. Indefinite pronouns: Everyone in the audience was laughing
  7. Vocabulary: Careers and jobs. Participial adjectives
  8. Listening: General and focused listening. An interview: a restaurant owner in Thailand
  9. Speaking and Pronunciation: Discussing career choices. Intonation in questions
  10. Reading: TED TALKS "Making Filthy Water Drinkable".
  11. Writing: Writing a letter giving advice
  12. Vídeo Journal: "Trinidad Bird Man".

UNIT 12: Celebrations

  1. Unit Goals:
  2. Describe a festival
  3. Compare holidays in different countries
  4. Talk about celebrations
  5. Share opinions about holidays
  6. Grammar: Comparisons with New Year's is as exciting as National Day. Would rather: I'd rather have a big party
  7. Vocabulary: Festivals and holidays. Expressions for celebrations
  8. Listening: General and focused listening. Discussions: local celebrations or holidays
  9. Speaking and Pronunciation: Comparing different international celebrations. Talking about personal celebrations. Question intonation with lists
  10. Reading: "Starting a New Tradition".
  11. Writing: Writing a substantiated opinion
  12. Vídeo Journal: "Young Riders of Mongolia".
  13. - Contenido del material:
  14. - Libro del Alumno: WORLD ENGLISH 2 y CD ROM interactivo
  15. - Workbook: WORLD ENGLISH 2
  16. - CD con el solucionario del libro del alumno


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